Low FODMAP Lamb Moussaka has become one of my favourite dishes! It requires few stages of preparation, but it is well worth the effort. All of the meat, vegetables and sauces play the part in harmony of this dish. It is a six portion meal, so depending on the size of your family, you …
Tag: garlic free
Garlic free Polish pork marinate
<a rel=”nofollow” href=”http://ws-eu.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?rt=tf_mfw&ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=GB&ID=V20070822%2FGB%2Fmariakustosz-21%2F8001%2Fc0a5eed8-b1b7-4dbd-b5ce-8971d9e1a0b7&Operation=NoScript”>Amazon.co.uk Widgets</a>Whenever my Mum used to get some larg piece of meat, especially pork, I knew what we were going to eat. She got this recipe for a pork marinate from old Polish cooking book “Kuchnia Staropolska”. She only had to adjust the proportions, because in old books like this marinade would be …